Thanksgiving luncheon of Empresas Fonalledas and its affiliates
At the traditional Thanksgiving luncheon of Empresas Fonalledas and its affiliates, awards were presented, including the Media Luna Award, which recognizes years of service in the organizations, the “Excellence Award”, which is given to the employee of each of the affiliates who stood out during the year in the performance of their duties and demonstrated a high commitment to corporate values, and the Fonalledas Córdoba Award, which is given by the Fonalledas Family. The photo shows the award winners in each organization: Letty Rivera, from Vaqueria Tres Monjitas; Rosalyn Gomez, from Plaza Las Americas; Marinés Torres, from Plaza Del Caribe; Julio Santana, from Hacienda Santa Elena; Gretchen Brown, from Baristas Del Caribe; and Susan Rodriguez, from Soft & Creamy. They are accompanied by Jaime Luis Fonalledas, executive vice president of Empresas Fonalledas. Not pictured is Carmelo De La Cruz, winner of Empresas Fonalledas’ Excellence Award.